Hi! The embryologist called and we had one she was able to freeze today. :) I guess this is good news since I wasn't anticipating having any. She said this was good news and felt really confident in the two we transfered yesterday. Man, there's a lot of pressure on these little guys ~ I'll try and bear some of that for them. :) I asked her about the fact that we lost so many between days 3 and 5 and asked if they just start to "sputter out" and quit dividing. She explained that for the first 3 days of their existence they are actually kind of "battery" operated by the sperm. The sperm are giving the embryos their energy. After day 3, the embryos are running off of their own generated energy. I don't know if this has to do with the development of mitochondria in the cells and therefore generating their own energy or what, but that helped me understand a little better. She said that they only expect to see about 50% survival rate of those working off of their own generated energy. This is all so fascinating isn't it! :) So...all in all that leaves us with one little frostie. :)
These are the photos that Matt took with his cell phone, so they're a bit hard to see. I had brought the camera, but left it in the car. :( The ones of Matt and I and just me by myself sitting are pre-transfer...waiting to go into the operating room. The embryos are highly sensitive to smell, so this is us lotion free, deoderant free, makeup free, product free, etc. :) The one of me lying down is post-transfer where they have me in the recovery room and my bed is tilted back (I feel like I'm standing on my head). They do this to help take the pressure off of the full bladder since you have to lay there for another 30 minutes after transfer. (I think they do it just to torture you a little bit more! )
Oh...we also got Athena back today after her 2 1/2 week stay in the auto hospital!! :) For those of you thinking, "huh?" I was in an accident on the freeway a couple of weeks ago (not my fault), and poor little Atty had to be towed. She was in pretty rough shape, but today...she looks beautiful and I'm happy to have my Greek warrior goddess of protection parked back in my garage! :)
6 butterfly kisses:
Hi guys it is me Eric, not Beth this time. Well it sounds as though you have had quite the last couple of days! All I can say is is "WoW" you have both had quite the month as well. I just want you both to know that I love you and you are always in my thoughts and prayers.
Jamie you seriously crack me up! I love you dear sister of mine. I am so energized at how things are going and I am very proud of little frostie!!!! Oh and I am proud of athena too. Thanks for sharing the pics. Only you could pull off looking good with a surgery cap on!!!!
wow...you guys look hot! i love that you took pictures...and i love you and the life forms fighting their way through...and i love matt...and i thank you for everything that you are...for the amazing example of strength and grace that you consistently prove to be. i love you (did i already say that?).
I love the pictures in all your bareness! It all sounds so complicated...but I hope all are doing well. I'm also glad that Athena is back with her armor intact and her make-up applied!
Love ya
You guys are such an amazing couple. Continued good thoughts and energy flowing your way for your final and the adventure you are in the middle of! Hope you are feeling well.
Well, at long last my computer is working again. I have been out of the blog loop ever since you started this latest IV session. Manuel, though sick, caught the bus this morning and came across town to try fixing the computer and he succeeded. It was a case of just starting from scratch and eliminating, cookies, cupcakes, marshmallows and an occasional piece of pie!! ....and re-installing everything all over again.
Now to catch up. So we have 2 embryos in the incubator & one in the icebox and we are just waiting to see what gives! There have been a myriad of prayers, thoughts, tears and nervous tension expended so let's hope they are having a positive effect. In a serious vein...I,...like everyone else, am almost afraid to breathe...but my every outgoing breath is a prayer for successful fulfillment of yours and Matt's dreams, wishes and prayers. May God see fit to grant our prayerful endeavors on yours and Matt's behalf. Love you both.....GG
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