Thursday, August 9, 2007

Isn't this Beautiful!

Matt took these photos a few nights ago and I just think they are beautiful. I don't know what I will do when we live in a house where I can't watch the sun set every evening.

9 butterfly kisses:

Debbie said...

Those are beautiful pictures! They capture the amazing Arizona sunset perfectly. Great job Matt!

Nonnie said...

Then don't move! :)

Nonnie said...

They ARE gorgeous. Wonder if anyone in NEW MEXICO has seen these? :)

tia said...

i've seen better.

ha ha ..that was just for mom because she is a smarty pants.

are you planning on moving???????

Jamie said...

I thought I was moving to Farmington according to your honeybunch. :)

Cory said...

You are not going anywhere sister!!!! That is at least until after I move :)
That is one beautiful sunset!!!! Wish you would have called me so that I could have come over and enjoyed it with ya. Maybe next time :) Unless you were skinny dipping in the pool

Simplicity Wins said...

If you ever are thinking about moving give me a heads up. I LOVE your house, and being able to see the sun set eveynight would be a huge plus.

Simplicity Wins said...

TIA- If you read this I just wanted to say hi! It's been a while but I hear things are going really well with you. Thats so great to hear!

jessamyn said...

yummy! this is one of those things that falls into my "why arizona is beautiful" list.