Thursday, August 23, 2007

A Baker's dozen x 2 +1 ====

27 eggs! :) I'm still a bit groggy so bear with me...
We had our ER (egg retrieval) this morning and my poor little ovaries produced 27 eggs. Ouch!
I've been pretty uncomfortable now for a few days and now I know why. :) Our RE decided to do ICSI (introcytoplasmic sperm injection) on all of the mature ones. We will get our fertilization report sometime tomorrow. Since they have to use anesthesia to retrieve the eggs, I've been out pretty much all day. Just thought I'd pop on the computer to give an update.
Hope you're all having a wonderful day ~ now...back to dreamland for me.

7 butterfly kisses:

kimberly said...

Lots of little eggs for one little girl! :) I was so surprised at the number, since I was thinking 20 at the most!

Get good sleep sweetie, and sweet dreams to you.....
Talk with you soon.

Hannah said...

not sure you remember me, I'm one of Beth's friends. I met you at Beth's baby shower for Elijah. Anyways I'm so excited... 27 is a great number!!! We just went through IVF... any ways just wanted to let you know I've been praying everyday for God to give you your hearts desire!!! Rest up... I hated the day after feeling.

Jamie said...

Thanks Hannah! :) Beth told me you just went through it and I hear congratulations is in order! :) This is our 3rd try (plus 1 FET), so I'm really hoping for positive results. Thanks for you prayers and support ~ it means a lot!
I hope you are doing well! :)

tia said...

way to go ovaries! soooo many positive thoughts going your way. i love you

Debbie said...

Jamie, our thoughts and prayers are with you. Hope you start to feel better soon.

Vonda said...

Whoa! 27? That ought to produce something! My thoughts are with you.

Brittni said...

I am praying for you and sending positive vibes your way! I am so proud of you jam and hope you know how much you are thought of every day by so many people!!!! Take care of my sissy and I am here if you need ANYTHING!!!!