Wednesday, August 29, 2007

And now we have 2...

Hi! The transfer yesterday went well. I went and had acupuncture prior and was able to just lay there and relax for an hour, which was nice. I had to take my valium and start drinking 24oz. of water an hour before the procedure. By the time we got the the RE's office I was flying high with a FULL bladder! :) The embryologist came in and told us that we only had 2 blastocycts that were ready for transfer. She wasn't sure we would even have any to freeze...we'll find that out today. All of this information was a bit discouraging at the moment since we were thinking SO positively going into it. How does it go from 10 excellent/good embryos to 2 good blasts?? Anyway...I had to keep in mind that 2 is better than none! :) We've always had 3 in the I hope these little ones are fighters! So, now that "everyone" is home I'm on bedrest for 2 days....lots of time to study for my final! :)
We were given pictures of our 2 little blasts and if I can say so myself...they look absolutely perfect. :) We also took a couple of pictures, so I will post those when I can. :)
Love you all ~

5 butterfly kisses:

Debbie said...

Jamie, once again thoughts and prayers are going to you. You are a pillar of strength and someone to admire. It is an honor to be included in your circle of life (now I have the Lion King song in my head! :) ) Positive energy and thoughts are coming your way!

Beth said...

i have been checking to see an update, and it's good to hear that everything went well! there are SO many people praying for you guys! we love you! (good luck on that final!)

Nonnie said...

One day at a time. Have you in our thoughts and prayers sweetie. Take good care of yourself!

jessamyn said...

rest easy. i am sending every ounce of "growing" juju your way. i love you so much sweet sister.
ps....i have a "surprise" for you.

Cory said...

I am thinking about you all Jamie and sending love and strength your way. Hang in there with that final and remember don't stress too much about it! :) I know, easier said than done. I love you sister.