Monday, August 27, 2007


Hi! We were told that our transfer will be Tuesday at 1:30pm. So, hopefully we will still have good news when we go in tomorrow. We won't hear anything today since they don't check on them on day 4 (don't really know why).
All of your supportive wishes and prayers have been greatly appreciated...please don't stop. :) It seems that the power of positive thinking (from everyone) is creating this great energy in which these little embryos are flourishing. It's so strange to feel so protective over something you've never seen or met ~ but I feel like I want to go into that lab and just encourage those little guys and gals to keep up the good fight...that it will be worth it becaue they will be loved SO much! I would tell them about the incredible circle of family and friends who would welcome them and provide them with more love and care than they could ever imagine.
Thank you for your support and encouragement ~ the last cycle we went through we kept as a secret and it was SO hard not to have my family to talk to. (poor Matt could only listen so much :)) It has been wonderful having you all to share it with this time and depending on the results of this whole thing...I know you'll be there for us then too. To either help pick us up off the floor or celebrate with us as we fly. :)
I love you all ~

8 butterfly kisses:

Beth said...

i love you guys!

Vonda said...

Keep up the fight, little embryos, I'm pulling for you!!

Nonnie said...

Daddy and I are hoping and praying every little minute. We sure have you in our hearts and minds!!

Debbie said...

Prayers that the good news keeps coming for two of the most deserving people I know.

Cory said...

You are ALL in our hearts, thoughts and prayers! Keep the positive energy aflowin... Jam, you have such an incredible soul. I love you!!!

Simplicity Wins said...

I will keep you in my prayers. Stay positive, Miracles happen everyday and today is no exception! Continue to surround yourselves with positive people who love and care about you. Good luck!

Brittni said...

I have been praying and keeping positive vibes for you all!!!! I love you guys so much and am thinking of you always! I am so proud of you!!

GG said...

For days I have felt like a pit bull tied to a post while cats walk by in front of me!! Ever since you started this IVF my computer has been on the fritz and I have not been able to access your blog. Manuel came over and worked on it and I got access until he left and then it went down again. I have been trying to keep abreast of the goings on by pestering everybody who would possibly know....but it has been exceedingly nervewracking being left out of the loop. Now this morning, with nothing further being done to the computer, I thought I'd give it another try and lo and behold everything came up perfectly and I have been able to read all of the postings since the beginning. The only thing I did not do was send God an internet message! But I figured my bypassing the internet and just praying and having positive thoughts might cause Him to perform a miracle ....and I guess He did cause here I am again. Now today is the transfer and I am praying that He will again perform another miracle and he will wipe away all the tears and travail you have been bearing and that success will smile upon you. For such a tiny little lady, Jamie, you are one huge package of strength when the chips are down. God Bless you in your efforts, my little darling. GG