Wednesday, August 29, 2007

One to Freeze

Hi! The embryologist called and we had one she was able to freeze today. :) I guess this is good news since I wasn't anticipating having any. She said this was good news and felt really confident in the two we transfered yesterday. Man, there's a lot of pressure on these little guys ~ I'll try and bear some of that for them. :) I asked her about the fact that we lost so many between days 3 and 5 and asked if they just start to "sputter out" and quit dividing. She explained that for the first 3 days of their existence they are actually kind of "battery" operated by the sperm. The sperm are giving the embryos their energy. After day 3, the embryos are running off of their own generated energy. I don't know if this has to do with the development of mitochondria in the cells and therefore generating their own energy or what, but that helped me understand a little better. She said that they only expect to see about 50% survival rate of those working off of their own generated energy. This is all so fascinating isn't it! :) So...all in all that leaves us with one little frostie. :)

These are the photos that Matt took with his cell phone, so they're a bit hard to see. I had brought the camera, but left it in the car. :( The ones of Matt and I and just me by myself sitting are pre-transfer...waiting to go into the operating room. The embryos are highly sensitive to smell, so this is us lotion free, deoderant free, makeup free, product free, etc. :) The one of me lying down is post-transfer where they have me in the recovery room and my bed is tilted back (I feel like I'm standing on my head). They do this to help take the pressure off of the full bladder since you have to lay there for another 30 minutes after transfer. (I think they do it just to torture you a little bit more! )

Oh...we also got Athena back today after her 2 1/2 week stay in the auto hospital!! :) For those of you thinking, "huh?" I was in an accident on the freeway a couple of weeks ago (not my fault), and poor little Atty had to be towed. She was in pretty rough shape, but today...she looks beautiful and I'm happy to have my Greek warrior goddess of protection parked back in my garage! :)

And now we have 2...

Hi! The transfer yesterday went well. I went and had acupuncture prior and was able to just lay there and relax for an hour, which was nice. I had to take my valium and start drinking 24oz. of water an hour before the procedure. By the time we got the the RE's office I was flying high with a FULL bladder! :) The embryologist came in and told us that we only had 2 blastocycts that were ready for transfer. She wasn't sure we would even have any to freeze...we'll find that out today. All of this information was a bit discouraging at the moment since we were thinking SO positively going into it. How does it go from 10 excellent/good embryos to 2 good blasts?? Anyway...I had to keep in mind that 2 is better than none! :) We've always had 3 in the I hope these little ones are fighters! So, now that "everyone" is home I'm on bedrest for 2 days....lots of time to study for my final! :)
We were given pictures of our 2 little blasts and if I can say so myself...they look absolutely perfect. :) We also took a couple of pictures, so I will post those when I can. :)
Love you all ~

Monday, August 27, 2007


Hi! We were told that our transfer will be Tuesday at 1:30pm. So, hopefully we will still have good news when we go in tomorrow. We won't hear anything today since they don't check on them on day 4 (don't really know why).
All of your supportive wishes and prayers have been greatly appreciated...please don't stop. :) It seems that the power of positive thinking (from everyone) is creating this great energy in which these little embryos are flourishing. It's so strange to feel so protective over something you've never seen or met ~ but I feel like I want to go into that lab and just encourage those little guys and gals to keep up the good fight...that it will be worth it becaue they will be loved SO much! I would tell them about the incredible circle of family and friends who would welcome them and provide them with more love and care than they could ever imagine.
Thank you for your support and encouragement ~ the last cycle we went through we kept as a secret and it was SO hard not to have my family to talk to. (poor Matt could only listen so much :)) It has been wonderful having you all to share it with this time and depending on the results of this whole thing...I know you'll be there for us then too. To either help pick us up off the floor or celebrate with us as we fly. :)
I love you all ~

Sunday, August 26, 2007

And The Good News Just Keeps on Coming!

I just got another call from our embryologist and today we have...
5 excellent quality embryos!
5 good quality embryos!
2 average
and 3 poor.
SO...two more of our little embryos are fighting their way to the top! :)
Yeah!! my hopes are officially "up".

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Unexpected Call...

Well, this morning I heard the phone ringing and when I saw it was my Dr.'s office, I almost didn't answer the call. There would only be two reasons they were calling today instead of tomorrow when they said they would. One, I have to come in for a 3-day transfer because we were losing too many, or two, there were none left to transfer. I mustered up the courage to answer the phone choking back the tears that were already forming. BUT instead of bad news, the embryologist was just "checking in" on all our embryos and wanted to call and let me know how things were going. Little does he know he about gave me a heartattack! SO...I got the following report today...
We still have 15 embryos!!
We have 4 excellent quality, 4 good quality, 4 average quality and 3 poor quality. :) This is good news!
Just wanted to let you know :)

Friday, August 24, 2007

My little sleeping partner...if this isn't the cutest thing.... :)
Well, we got our fertilization report this morning and it looks like they did ICSI on 19 of the eggs. Out of those 19, 15 fertilized. So, we are now the proud parents of 15 embryos. :) I'm staying cautiously optimistic since this is right around what we've had for the last two IVF cycles...and we all know how those turned out. We were told that we won't hear anything more until Sunday. Our transfer could be on Sunday (if it looks like we're losing too many to wait until a 5-day transfer), or Tuesday if they continue looking strong and healthy. Fortunately I have a BIO final to study for in the meantime, otherwise I might be pacing! :) Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers. They are truly appreciated. :)

Thursday, August 23, 2007

A Baker's dozen x 2 +1 ====

27 eggs! :) I'm still a bit groggy so bear with me...
We had our ER (egg retrieval) this morning and my poor little ovaries produced 27 eggs. Ouch!
I've been pretty uncomfortable now for a few days and now I know why. :) Our RE decided to do ICSI (introcytoplasmic sperm injection) on all of the mature ones. We will get our fertilization report sometime tomorrow. Since they have to use anesthesia to retrieve the eggs, I've been out pretty much all day. Just thought I'd pop on the computer to give an update.
Hope you're all having a wonderful day ~ now...back to dreamland for me.

Monday, August 13, 2007

First blog ever by Matt

I decided since a lot of the people who read Jamie’s blog also donated to my bike ride this year, I would provide a quick update here…This is the 2nd year that I rode my bicycle for the American Diabetes Association. Last year my brother Eric, niece Samantha, and myself, completed the Ride. This year, due to an injury, just my brother and I rode. Since we were riding a bit further this year, we decided to rent Road Bikes instead of using our Mountain Bikes like we did last year. All I can say is it makes a world of difference. The bike itself probably weighed as much as my mountain bike’s back wheel alone, which made the hills a tad easier.

The ride is called the Summit to Surf and takes place in Oregon. The route follows highway 26 on Mt. Hood and ends down in Hood River. We started just outside of Welches, Oregon at about 1500 feet and rode about 24 miles to the top of Bennett Pass which is at about 5700 feet. That, by far, was the toughest part of the 52 mile trip. The rest of the ride has some nice downhill sections that are both breathtaking and fast. The majority of the ride is through tall pine tree lined roads and as you come down off the mountain you pass vineyards, farms, apple orchards and from several locations you can see the Summit of Timberline behind you. We finished with all our parts attached (lost a pedal last year) and even had my Mom and Samantha to congratulate us at the finish line.

Our team goal was $500.00 and I’m happy to say we surpassed that with $630.00 in total donations. The Ride itself was able to raise over $300,000 for the fight against Diabetes. All in all we had a great time and I am already looking forward to this ride next year and hopefully a couple of others before then.

It is always fun to spend this time with my brother and nice to see my family too. Thank you to everyone who supported us in this Ride and for helping make it a success.

Friday, August 10, 2007

I've been tagged....great.

I guess I'm supposed to come up with 7 random bits of information about myself. It's been a few days since I've been tagged and I haven't been able to think of anything very exciting....that's a little depressing. So it is...7 not so interesting tid bits about me. :)

1. In 6th grade a won a 1st place ribbon and Best In Show for the whole Jr. High for my science fair project about plant growth. I got to take it to state competition in St. Johns (?) and ended up placing 3rd there. :)
2. I LOVE to organize things...anything.
3. I have always wished I had gone into theater / drama. I would LOVE to perform on Broadway. (Chicago, Caberet, Cats, Grease, oohh I love it!)
4. I get dileriously high on excitement in paper and fabric stores, but always end up leaving empty handed because I can't figure out what to do with everything!
5. I'm very sentimental. I love the nostalgia of old things passed down or knowing the story behind the object.
6. I'm deeply affected by my environment. I need to feel that my surroundings at home reflect my inner self. I am happiest when I'm surrounded by things / nature that feeds my soul and is a reflection of who I am. I feel very stifled when it doesn't.
7. I would LOVE to own a "you pick" flower market where I could have fields of wonderful flowers year round for people to pick bouquets from. This would fall in line with my enjoyment of working in my yard. (Except it's really hard to do at this time of the year here.).

Okay....Beth, you're tagged. :)

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Isn't this Beautiful!

Matt took these photos a few nights ago and I just think they are beautiful. I don't know what I will do when we live in a house where I can't watch the sun set every evening.

Camping Trip 2007

I thought I would just add some pictures from our camping trip this past weekend to Hawley lake. It was wonderful as it is every year. :) I'd like to thank everyone who had to put up with Molly's whining, barking, howling, jumping,fighting. etc. She really is a little lovebug and she promises to get her manners under control before our next outing. :)
I thought you might use this as a reminder that even though you're not still up enjoying the mountains, at least you aren't listening to this anymore.. :)

Here's Tia and Journey Rai...just hanging having a good time.

Here are the girls posing for one last pic!

And the boys!

Next time we'll have to make sure the WHOLE group is in the picture. We're missing the Grove clan. :(

Bye Hawley Lake!! We'll see you again next year! :)

Pomegranite Thread - #814 DMC

Many of us know people or are people who have struggled with conceiving or maintaining pregnancies. Over the last six and a half years when I see pregnant women, I often wonder "was it easy for them or did they struggle through their process just as I have". I've often wished for some secret nod or look or something that would indicate the connection that we may have. Well, obviously many other women who are a part of this community have felt the same way. There is a subtle movement in place that will help open communication within the fertility challenged community and awareness to those outside of it. This movement is to purchase Pomegranite Thread #814 DMC (embroidery thread), braid it and tie it around your right wrist. Through this, women can better support each other through this emotional journey and others, inquiring as to it's meaning, will become more aware of the struggle that affects 1 in 8 couples. Just wanted to share this with you.

For anyone who has ever had a miscarriage, struggled with pregnancy, and all things infertile...there is a movement upon us that you might want to join. It's rather simple actually: a discreet ribbon on your right wrist to signal to others that they are not alone in their struggles. The pomegranate-colored thread holds a two-fold purpose: to identify and create community between those experiencing infertility as well as create a starting point for a conversation. Women pregnant through any means, natural or A.R.T., families created through adoption or surrogacy, or couples trying to conceive during infertility or secondary infertility can wear the thread, identifying themselves to others in this silent community. At the same time, the string serves as a gateway to conversations about infertility when people inquire about its purpose. These conversations are imperative if we are ever to remove the social stigma attached to infertility. Tie on the thread because you’re not alone. Wear to make aware. Join us in starting this conversation about infertility by purchasing this pomegranate-coloured thread #814 by DMC . Tie it on your right wrist. Notice it on others.
Pomegranates, a longstanding symbol of fertility, serve as a strong analogy to those suffering through infertility. Though each pomegranate skin is unique in colour and texture, the seeds inside are remarkably similar from fruit to fruit. Though our diagnosis is unique—endometriosis, low sperm count, luteal phase defect, or causes unknown—the emotions, those seeds on the inside, are the same from person to person. Infertility creates frustration, anger, depression, guilt, and loneliness. Compounding these emotions is the shame that drives people suffering from infertility to retreat into silence.In addition, the seeds represent the multitude of ways one can build their family: natural conception, treatments, adoption, third-party reproduction, or even choosing to live child-free.The pomegranate thread holds a two-fold purpose: to identify and create community between those experiencing infertility as well as create a starting point for a conversation. Women pregnant through A.R.T., families created through adoption, or couples trying to conceive during infertility can wear the thread, identifying themselves to others in this silent community. At the same time, the string serves as a gateway to conversations about infertility when people inquire about its purpose. These conversations are imperative if we are ever to remove the social stigma attached to infertility. Tie on the thread because you’re not alone. Wear to make aware.

I had a request for some information as to where this started. Here is the website:
Thanks! :)