Monday, February 4, 2008

A Little More Good News

So, we're moving in the right direction. :) Today our hcg level is at 191 and my nurse was extremely pleased with that number. And so are we!! :)
I go back on Wed. for another blood test and most likely will continue to do that until the number reaches a point that my RE is comfortable with. is another good day! I'm learning the importance of living in "today" and not getting ahead of myself by looking too far into the future. :) Thank you for your continued love and support and prayers!

5 butterfly kisses:

kimberly said...

yes, we are blessed today!
love you sweetie

Debbie said...

Jamie, that is wonderful news. I was thinking about you all morning and was praying you would get an answer that made your heart soar. Enjoy the news today and continued prayers for the future. What an amazing day!

Cory said...

Yay!!!!!!!!!!!! Such wonderful and exciting news! My heart is overflowing with joy for you and Mattie. I love you so much!!!!

SweetAnnee said...

ONE DAY at a time
..that's it my dear
Praying for you..

a friend of your mama's..

jessamyn said...

singing out in joy for the good day and the good news!