Monday, February 11, 2008

Still Moving In The Right Direction

Hi! Just a quick update with today's news. Our hcg level is at 1928 today. :) It's not as high as I anticipated, but my nurse reassured me that things are still on track as they should be, so I'm choosing to believe her! :)
I won't go back until Friday, which is when I will have my first ultrasound to check everything out. At that point I will be 6 weeks 1 day, so still VERY early.
Thank you all so much for sharing your excitement with us. If we seem extremely cautious to join you...we are, but we still love the excitement you show us. :)
It's another good day!

8 butterfly kisses:

kimberly said...

yes, sweetie, another great day....and we thank God for our blessings!

Debbie said...

Thank God for today. I have been checking your blog this morning somewhat obsessively to see good news. Our prayers continue to be with all of you! One day at a time....

GG said...

I was thrilled when I heard 1928 was your new HCG level. Hey Jamebob that is an extra good number because it is the year I was born!!! But your Mom said you were a little disappointed it was not higher than that. So I guess I need some clarification.....I thought the number was supposed to double each time you go in. It was 595 last time so it is 3.24 greater this time. So why were you expecting it to be more? Maybe I am out of the loop. After a while does it go from double to triple, guadruple, etc.? So get me up to speed on this HCG business. Love, Grandpa

Jamie said...

Hi Gramps ~
My beta that was 595 was last Wed. and it's supposed to double typically every 48 hours. So it was about 5 days in between that one and this one, so in my opinion it should have been around 2400ish. But my RE's office was still happy with this number. :) So that's why I say I'm choosing to be happy with it as well. :) But it definitely must be a lucky number since that's the year you were born!! :)

SweetAnnee said...

Raising you up in prayer to our Lord!!!!!

Simplicity Wins said...

I am praying for you and Matt every day. I am so glad you are staying positive and happy in your heart.

jessamyn said...

I am feeling so happy and thankful for your journey today! i love you all much and delight in the good news you share.

Mandy said...

WONDERFUL news!! My heart is so happy for you and Matt.