Friday, February 15, 2008

Early Ultrasound

Hi ~ We were originally supposed to have our u/s today at 9:45, but Wednesday I woke up to some spotting that I was concerned about. It had started to happen on Tuesday and by Wednesday it was a little heavier, so I wanted some reassurance that everything was okay. My RE got me in at 1:45 on Wed. Matt was out of town and I was really nervous about the the news I would be given. It happened to be the exact day that we found out last time that the embryo had stopped growing. RE couldn't see anything going on except a sac and yolk located right where it should be. He did say that it was measuring a little small , but still within normal range. (whatever that means!) So, now we have to wait until next Friday for an u/s. It's going to be a long week! At that point I'll be 7wks 1day and if there's a heartbeat, we'll be able to see it. I'm really hoping for that! I would love to get some real substantially good news. I feel like as good as our news has's all been kind of middle of the road. Do you know what I mean??
Anyway...I know that some of you were expecting more news today and just wanted to give you an update. :)
Thanks again for all of your prayers and positive thoughts. We are so far from being out of the woods and we just appreciate your support so much!

7 butterfly kisses:

Debbie said...

Jamie, thank you for the update. I anxiously check your blog each time I know you are getting a test. Your family are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. May God continue to bless you. I hope you enjoy your rainy day!

SweetAnnee said...

I'll keep keep taking care of you.
Our God is an awesome God..He knows the plans He has for you.

Lovingly..and may God hold you in the palm of His hand!!!


kimberly said...

i know it will be a long week, thankful that things were as they should be on wednesday.....a day at a time....
you are constantly in my thoughts and prayers....i love you both so!
enjoy this rain on your day off!

Cory said...

A day at a time sister susie :) I love you and am thinking and praying!!!!!!!!

Joni said...

"And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise"
Hebrews 6:15

I know it is difficult to balance patience and hope, but hang in there dear...middle of the road is part of the journey, praying that next Friday will ease your mind.


Beth said...

love you...

Unknown said...

This is Shannon- Jessie's sister-n-law. She has been keeping us updated. I wanted you to know that we are praying and hoping for you too. We rejoice with you! You have so much support in this!