Thursday, January 10, 2008

Thankful Thursday

First of all I'm thankful that today is Thursday in and of itself. :) I don't have to work tomorrow!!
Secondly, I've been thinking lately that I'm really thankful to be living in a country where we have a woman running for president!! For some reason this has been on my mind a lot lately. To doesn't feel like it should be any other way, but for this is evidence that we have come so far from where we used to be. Not only is she running for president, but people are voting for her! It doesn't matter whether you share her views, are republican or democrat, would vote for her or not...those things don't matter. What matters is acknowledging the fact that for the first time in history we have an African American man and a caucasian woman running for our presidency. We are making history today. For this freedom and forward movement of the people...I am thankful.

8 butterfly kisses:

Nonnie said...

i agree! and it is exciting to see that both candidates are doing so well! like you said....they aren't just campaigning....they are the leaders!

Brittni said...

I was talking to Cory about this just the other day! Times are achangin and for once it is a good change! We were watching the news and it was showing all of the woman voting and a huge part of Hilary's votes are woman voters. I think I put my fist in the air and yelled "girl power!" or something like that. I think that she is a strong woman and it would be really hard to be the first woman to run. There are so many comments about the way that she looks. I told cory that all the guys have to show up and put on a suit but as a woman you are criticized for a low cut shirt, the colors that you wear, your makeup, and your laugh! She is the only one who has to really worry about her appearance which sucks! Anyway, I am not sure if I am voting for either of them but I agree I think this is an amazing thing and we should be excited about it!

Brittni said...

I guess I should have left the part out about not voting for either of them I might cause a world war! :)

Vonda said...

Well, gg and I were also talking about this yesterday and how it irks us so when the "media" puts the candidates under a microscope and makes a big deal out of the least little thing!! Like Hillary getting emotional!! We saw no tears and her voice may have cracked just a little but they rebroadcasted her umpteen times!!!

cassie said...

well i agree with you and, honestly, i quite like the fact that she would be a bit emotional. yes, she could possibly be a leader, and with compassion, emotion, and evidence of feelings...i think she could be a great one. world war britt. :)

jessamyn said...

amen sista sue.
and cass...i agree.
let's start valuing the "feminine" and maybe some massive goodness can come of it.

Nonnie said...

love the look.......and it didn't even funk up your internet....:)

cassie said...

MOM!!!! watch your language. ha ha ha ha ha