Monday, September 24, 2007

Endings and Beginnings

Our appointment this morning confirmed the worst...the baby has for sure stopped growing and the pregnancy is over, almost. We wait for the miscarriage to happen. It should happen within the next 2 weeks, if not they will need to do a d&c. I'm hoping for it to happen the natural way. We feel so sad and angry and yet...numb at the same time. I never knew I could love something so much that was only with me for such a short time. In that short time ~ it was so big to held so much potential and brought me so much happiness. A happiness I had never know before. My life has been forever changed by its existence, no matter how short it was. We always hear that with one ending comes a new beginning. Well I'm proud to say that today was also a glorious day! Brittni and Cory welcomed baby Wyatt into this world at 3:44 this afternoon! He's beautiful and everyone is doing really well. He weighed 8lbs. 4 oz and was 21 inches long. What an amazing miracle to witness. When it all comes down to it, I just feel so truly blessed to have such a wonderful family and such wonderful friends and to feel the love abounding all around. It's a good day to be alive.

6 butterfly kisses:

Debbie said...

Jamie, once again your post brought tears to my eyes. You are an amazingly strong woman, friend and sister. I wish that I had something profound to say to help. But, nothing I come up with does anything justice. All I can say is that our hearts and prayers will continue to go out to you and Matt. You are a blessing in our lives

jessamyn said...

you are THE most amazing woman that I know...and how blessed that i can call you sister.

Vonda said...

This post makes me both happy and so sad. Happy for the new little being that came into the world and so sad for you and Matt's loss. We don't always understand the nature of things and why they happen, but at least this time more progress occured than ever before. Whatever you decide in the future, you will still have the love and support of your family and friends.

GG said...

My dearest, darling Jamie,
I feel your loss more keenly today than yesterday. Yesterday, all I could think of was that line from our old Hymn #276 PRECIOUS THOUGHT....."Joy and sorrow interwoven; love in all I see"

I am so proud of you Jamie. To be such a tiny little lady, you are exceedingly strong of heart. You too mentioned in your latest blog of all the love that you see in all that transpired yesterday. If you still have your old Hymn book please refer to that hymn and read those 4 verses or sing them is even better if you remember the tune. The words are so fitting for what we are experiencing. If you cannot find your hymn book please let me know and I will make a copy of the hymn and mail it to you.

And you dear Matt!!what about you...!Being men we have been raised to more or less feel that tears are a weakness in men. But I hope that you know that that is a bunch of poppycock. However, you work for a living and you can't sit at your desk and cry even though the inclination is there. But I hope you are finding emotional release in those quiet times when you can cry in private alone or with Jamie. Since I have lived alone for so many years I have learned the value of crying. It is good for the soul. Another thing now is that Alberto knows the value of tears and he is not ashamed to cry either or cry with me when I cry. So go ahead and cry Matt as I cry with you.

I love both of my dear children so much...the hymn also says:

May God bless you both.
I love you both exceedingly.

Nonnie said...

Jamie, you never cease to amaze me with your giving. I feel so blessed that you are my daughter and I was chosen to be your Mom. We love you both so.

Jamie said...

Thank you all so much. You have NO idea how much your support and encouragement help us.