Thursday, April 24, 2008

Online Profile Is Up!!

Hi! We've been waiting for several days now to see our online profile up on our adoption agency's website and as of today's up!! :) This means that birthmothers, etc. who are looking to place a baby can find us on the website too and don't just have to go into the agency to look at our books. It's really quite strange to log onto a website and see our smiling faces. It causes me to feel a little vulnerable...but I guess it's necessary for this journey.
Another fun mom and I painted the nursery yesterday! It looks beautiful and I thought we were done until I realized that the second gallon of paint is lighter than the first. :( You can see every roll I made "finishing up". Turns out they were created from two separate bases. Looks like I have more painting to do... Something else that's totally exciting to me is that I ordered our chair for the nursery too!!!! I'm so excited about this chair (you really have no idea)'s black with white polka dots! It will fit right into my "bumble bee" theme. :) And it's SOOOO comfy!
Hope to have more good news to share again soon. Thanks for being patient with my enthusiasm for such small details, it's just that we have waited sooo long that every little bit that I get to do that I have only dreamed about doing in the past, is like the joy I felt on my very first Christmas morning! (that I remember) :)

6 butterfly kisses:

kimberly said...

merry christmas, my sweet daughter!
and hope the "gifts" just keep you,
your mamacita
p.s......see you in the morning! :)

Debbie said...

How wonderful that you get to do all these wonderful projects. You have every right to be excited. I can not wait to hear more of the "little things" that make your heart jump. Good luck with the rest of painting! Hope the good news keeps coming!

cassie said...

can't wait to see it all! love you!

Brittni said...

Oh goodness! Looks like you are going to have to work twice as hard for this little ones room to be finished! I can't wait to see it! I went and looked at your profile and it was great! I was suprised to see you and Matt smiling at me when the website popped up! How wonderful!!!! Things are so exciting right now! I am so happy for you! I have some things I want to share with you if you are interested. I will give you a call soon. Love you!

Beth said...

how exciting that you are moving forward with all the "fun" stuff! can't wait to see the chair, and everything else:) i only wish i was closer...none of the details are "little" it is all leading to the most important thing, everything counts, and i WANT to hear everything! love you!

Annette said...

This baby is so lucky, what a sweet room its going to be decorted with so much love from everyone, and sweet place to bond, Im so glad you posted pictures been wanting too see it, your mom kind of told me what you were doing, cant wait too see the finishing touches! stay excited!