We had so much fun in New York! It was so exciting to see some of the places that I've only seen in movies or pictures. The energy of the city gives you the momentum you need to keep up with the fast pace and to see all (well, almost all) there is to see! Here are a few of the places we were....
This is the entrance to our hotel. It was only about 30 feet wide, but was 33 stories high. We were on the 33rd floor. :)
This is one of the views from our room. It was really strange to look out into the windows of the office building next to us and see people going about their business. I didn't want to watch for too long. I was afraid I would see something I really didn't want to. :)

Thursday night we went and ate at John's Pizzaria. It is in an old church that was built in the late 1800's. It was beautiful inside and the pizza was delicious!! Matt had eaten here during his previous trip to NY and wanted to take me back there. I can see why ~ it was a true NY style joint! :)

This is the exterior of Grande Central station. This picture doesn't do it justice. The Chrysler building was directly in the background, but it was raining this day and the fog kept covering it up. Inside Grande Central station is truly beautiful. I felt like I had stepped back in time for a moment.

I took this picture in Central Park. It was one of my most favorite parts of the trip, because I don't remember the last time I got to walk along a path covered in autumn leaves. It was beautiful!!

This photo was taken in Central Park. Matta and I love these stone steps and thought it would be a good place to take a picture. Matt propped the camera up on the ground with our little mini tripod and finally we got a picture together! :) I thought Matt was going to break another ankle sprinting up the stairs before the camera took the picture! :)

Here is Matt with the Merrill Lynch bull. We walked all over the Financial District looking for this bull. Each time we would ask someone where it was, they'd tell us something different. I think they were feeding us a bunch of BULL! :) Anyway...we finally found it! We also saw ground zero and walked up and down Wall St. It was really interesting! We saw the building where George Washington took oath as the first president, and the New York Stock Exchange. Ground zero was really humbling and I can't wait to see the new Freedom Tower they are building in place of the Twin Towers. It's beautiful! The memorial that they have planned for this area is amazing too!

During our walk on Friday, we also found Tiffany's!! :) I wanted a picture mimicking Audrey Hepburn, but the windows didn't lend themselves to that. :) So...I posed in front of the sign and just pretended I was Audrey. :)
Friday night before "Grease" we went to dinner at Bobby Flay's restaurant called "Mesa Grille". It was unbelievable!!!! Matt had pork tenderloin that melted in your mouth and I had a 16 spice encrusted chicken. Both were great!! We actually were told we had the best seat in the house. We were on the balcony and could see just about every seat as well as the kitchen and chefs. The dessert was out of this world ...of course it was chocolate!! We were having so much fun that we didn't realize we needed to get going to the show! Unfortunately it took a little while to get cab, and then the traffic was SO bad that we ended up hopping out of the cab and running the last two blocks. We were so sure we were going to be late...but we we walked in and got our seats just as the lights were going down! :)
Matt took this picture while we were up at the top of the Empire State Building. It was so windy and you really can't see any lights in this picture, but the view was unbelievable! The higher we went up the more nervous I got and when Matt opened the door to go out onto the observation deck and the wind about knocked me over, I wasn't sure I could go out there. I learned quickly that I was okay looking OUT, but not so okay looking DOWN. :) This little excursion took us 2 long hours. I would definitely recommend doing it...but maybe when it's less crowded!

She stands in middle of the harbour, facing the gateway to the Atlantic Ocean. You can see all five burroughs from here. She was a bit smaller than I always imagined her to be...but not one ounce disappointing! What an amazing sight!!

Rockefeller Center. Really fun to see the ice skating rink. It wasn't open yet to skate on, but we'll go back! :)
We have a ton more photos, but I won't bore you with everything!! :) We really had so much fun! The cultural diversity that was so apparent as we walked along the streets has really touched a place in my heart. It really IS possible for us to live in peace amongst each other no matter what race, religion or financial status we come from. It was amazing to walk from block to block and hear 50 different languages....for some reason it just made me smile to be a part of that. And despite the reputation that "new yorkers" have for being rude....we never once experienced any rudeness or bad service. We packed in so much, and yet there's so much more to see....SO...when you're up for a trip to NY count me in!! :)
This is the exterior of Grande Central station. This picture doesn't do it justice. The Chrysler building was directly in the background, but it was raining this day and the fog kept covering it up. Inside Grande Central station is truly beautiful. I felt like I had stepped back in time for a moment.
I took this picture in Central Park. It was one of my most favorite parts of the trip, because I don't remember the last time I got to walk along a path covered in autumn leaves. It was beautiful!!
This picture is of the interior of St. Patrick's Cathedral. As we were passing by we noticed the HUGE front doors had opened and we couldn't help but want to go inside this beautiful cathedral. As soon as we walked inside, my eyes welled up at this amazing site. Shrines of statues were set up all around the pews, with candles available to light with prayer. These candles were burning all around us. The magnitude of the church was amazing and for as many people who were inside...it was eerily quiet. Since I had been worried about my dad, especially that morning when I heard he had been transferred to a different room due to some issues with his heart, we decided this would be a good place to say a prayer for him and light a candle in his honor. That felt good. And as we walked by the shrine of St. Elizbeth, we couldn't help but light one there too.
Matt and I in Times Square after "Grease". Our hotel was only a couple of blocks from this hustle and bustle, so we got to walk almost everywhere.
We were by far the most "dressed up" people at Grease. I was really surprised at how casual most people were. We were told definitely don't where anything too fancy and not to where any type of long dress which is what I was planning on.
P.S. I know it doesn't look like it, but my dress DID come down longer than my coat!!! :)

P.S. I know it doesn't look like it, but my dress DID come down longer than my coat!!! :)
Here is Matt with the Merrill Lynch bull. We walked all over the Financial District looking for this bull. Each time we would ask someone where it was, they'd tell us something different. I think they were feeding us a bunch of BULL! :) Anyway...we finally found it! We also saw ground zero and walked up and down Wall St. It was really interesting! We saw the building where George Washington took oath as the first president, and the New York Stock Exchange. Ground zero was really humbling and I can't wait to see the new Freedom Tower they are building in place of the Twin Towers. It's beautiful! The memorial that they have planned for this area is amazing too!
Friday during the day we walked around and found the theater where "Grease" was playing. So of course I had to get my picture taken with Max.. aka Danny (oh ya...and Laura...aka Sandy:))
During our walk on Friday, we also found Tiffany's!! :) I wanted a picture mimicking Audrey Hepburn, but the windows didn't lend themselves to that. :) So...I posed in front of the sign and just pretended I was Audrey. :)
On Sunday morning we took a Harbour Cruise that took us to see the famous bridges, the Statue of Liberty and the different areas of Manhattan (from the water), plus we got to see different parts of Brooklyn and New Jersey. This picture was taken from the boat as we were passing by the Financial District. I think this is such a good picture of Matt. :)

Same cruise. Matt and I in front of the Statue of Liberty. Seeing her was my favorite part of the trip I think. It was just amazing!
Same cruise. Matt and I in front of the Statue of Liberty. Seeing her was my favorite part of the trip I think. It was just amazing!
She stands in middle of the harbour, facing the gateway to the Atlantic Ocean. You can see all five burroughs from here. She was a bit smaller than I always imagined her to be...but not one ounce disappointing! What an amazing sight!!
Rockefeller Center. Really fun to see the ice skating rink. It wasn't open yet to skate on, but we'll go back! :)
We have a ton more photos, but I won't bore you with everything!! :) We really had so much fun! The cultural diversity that was so apparent as we walked along the streets has really touched a place in my heart. It really IS possible for us to live in peace amongst each other no matter what race, religion or financial status we come from. It was amazing to walk from block to block and hear 50 different languages....for some reason it just made me smile to be a part of that. And despite the reputation that "new yorkers" have for being rude....we never once experienced any rudeness or bad service. We packed in so much, and yet there's so much more to see....SO...when you're up for a trip to NY count me in!! :)
10 butterfly kisses:
Jamie, that sounds like an amazing trip. So glad that you and Matt got to see so much of the awesome city that New York is. I can not believe how much stuff you fit in though! Hope you are adjusting to life back home :)
It sounds like you covered just about everything! However, I didn't see you standing in front of the "Today Show" ?
Oh Jamie, this post was sdo wonderful for me to read although I did it with rteary eyes. My heart is definitly still in NY. I am so glad you got to experience that wonderful city. It sounds like you truly embraced all the city had to offer. The culture, the people, the sights and the sounds are all so amazing. I love the Circle line harbor cruise. I went on that the weekend before I left NY to move to Arizona. I have a wonderful picture from the boat of the twim towers, that was the last time I saw them. And St Patricks Cathedral is such an amazing sight. I am not sure how anyone can enter that building and not start crying. It is so touching. I went to Mass there once as a little girl. Thaat is a memory I am not sure I will ever forget. I am so glad you had so much fun. What always strikes me so strongly about NY is the history and that church is a perfect example of that. They just don't build things like they used too. Welcome home.
Thanks for sharing your pics Jame. It makes me want to make a trip to New York even more so!!! It looks like you had some amazing experiences. I am so glad the two of you got to do this together. I love that picture of you both on the stairs. Glad you had this opportunity but soooo glad your home :)
oh...delicious. reading over these made me cry for some reason...and laugh (about matt sprinting up the stairs). I LOVE that pic of you at the empire state building. I can totally remember going up the eiffel tower in paris and feeling that same kind of wind and fear.
this looks like a FULL trip...full of beauty and energy and learning and living. i am so glad you got to go...next time...PLEASE take me?!?!
love you guys.
Jam I am so glad you put these pictures up! I saw them a couple days ago but was sharing with Cory and didn't post. As we were looking and reading Cory says "Brittni, we have to go to New York!" I agreed! It looks like you guys had so much fun! I wanted to jump in the pictures. Especially the picture of you eating that pizza! It was almost as big as you! I am so glad you both had that experience! Maybe we could put that on our wish list of places to go together one day! Love you, thanks for sharing your vacation with us.
Your trip looks absolutely amazing, Jame! I love all the pictures and am looking forward to seeing all the rest!!! and hearing all about each one. You definitely look like you are having a wonderful time, you two....and you both look like you could actually enjoy living somewhere like that!!! :)(maybe for a little while, anyway.)
Thanks for shareing ....i think we better plan a trip there too!
looks like an amazing trip!! all these pics took me back :) you and matt look like you belong!!
i didn't even know these were posted!!!!!! thank you (finally) for sharing this delicious trip. you are such a beautiful lady jamie...you and matt are awesome and i love you both
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