Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I found this card by Maya Angelou a long time ago when I felt like our family was going through a rough time. I never quite found the right moment to share it with everyone, but I came across it again and really felt the urge to share the message with you all now.

"Families are held together by choice. Members are alike and unalike, yet there is comfort in the sameness and excitement in the differences. When we respect and relish both conditions, we can call ourselves family. Loving, giving, doing everything we can to work through things ~ that is what our family does, and I am grateful to be a part of it. "

Life isn't promised to be easy, but I thank God everyday that I was blessed with a family who stands by each other, supports each other, encourages each other, is committed to each other and respects each other. I celebrate our differences and feel comforted by our similarities and I find strength every day in knowing you are there.
Thank you and I love you!

4 butterfly kisses:

Nonnie said...

Thank you for sharing these thoughts, Jamie.

I have felt the same way so strongly lately. I have been thinking of each one that makes up this family and loving the memories and blessings, similarities and differences, that each one brings to this circle.

Sometimes we get so busy with life,
it is easy to take things for granted that surround us.

On my picture board is this saying "A family is a haven of rest, a sanctuary of peace and most of all a harbor of love".

What an amazing gift we have been given.

cassie said...

aw geez, i just did my makeup to go to a breast cancer luncheon...i can NOT imagine what my life would be like without this family we have. you, my parents, have always supported and encouraged and each and every one of you, my sisters, have given me reason to try to be a better person. i admire you all for so many reasons....i am so blessed. thanks for this post james, i love that quote.

Cory said...

It is an incredibly blessing to be surrounded by such beautiful people inside and out. I would not be "me" without my family. I thank God every night for the people he has put in my life. Words cannot even express the love I have for all of you in all our unique ways. I get emotional even thinking about it. Love you Jamie. You are one amazing woman.

jessamyn said...

I love Miss Angelou! Such wisdom...and I love that this quote took note of the excitement that can be found in differences. I love our differences...and I know that we all learn from eachother...and that kind of learning is really special because it takes what is different and uses it to bring closeness and comfort. You all bless me!:)