Sunday, March 2, 2008

This Girl...

" This girl" has been on my mind lately and I think she deserves some recognition. :) There probably isn't anyone who I have ever met that has a more helpful, sincere, caring disposition than she does. She has become such a huge part of our family and is always jumping in to help in any way she can and always comes through with more than you ever expected. She's there every year to lend support at the 3-Day walk (even toting kids around). She's there at parties brining food, taking photos and sharing her cheerful disposition. When things are not going so well for you she wishes you sweet words of support and encouragement and sometimes even leaves sentiments of thoughtfulness on your doorstep. :) Our family has been blessed by her friendship and we're grateful for everything she adds to our lives.
(I'm hoping that she won't mind that I "stole" this photo ~ I didn't list any names so I thought it would be okay. :)
Wishing you "sweet girl" a wonderful day! :)

8 butterfly kisses:

kimberly said...

yes, we are very blessed to have her in our you said she is always there to lend a hand, encourage, support, cheer you on, comfort...she is just always there, in big or little things, without ever being asked.....a true friend.
i hope she has a wonderful day too!:)

Cory said...

I have been thinking alot about "this girl" lately too! She IS a very caring and considerate individual! Thank you for all your kindness and care!!!! We are blessed to have your friendship

Debbie said...

Okay, I have been trying to leave a comment all day, but keep on crying! So, this time I did not re-read the message, I am just typing. Thank you Jamie, and your entire family for your kind words and your friendship. You all have impacted my life more than I could ever explain. I can honestly say that I have never before had so many strong and supportive women in my life. YOU are all the blessing to me. I feel like I am just giving back what is given to me.
It is hard for me to hear good things about myself, but I am taking these in and letting them warm my heart. These are going to lift me up on any day that my heart is down.
Thank you for thinking of me and writing this post. I really can not express how much it means to me. I think that you are one of the most genuine, caring, loving and STRONG women that I know. I truly am honored to be able to call you and your entire family friends. You truly made my day.

Jamie said...

Okay ~ now you have me crying. :)

jessamyn said...

she really is quite the woman! we are all really blessed by her life.

cassie said...

what a sweet post for such a lovely individual. lots of love going out to both of you beautiful women!

Brittni said...

She has definitely been there for me many times! I do appreciate your friendship Deb.

SweetAnnee said...

What a blessing she is..And God put her right there for YOU..
Angels here on Earthy, they make our life so much better.

Much love to you Jamie and your SWEET friend.