Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Visit to the Past

We went to visit Cassie and Kyle in NM this past weekend and had such a wonderful time! It had been many years since I was in Farmington and it was so exciting getting to show Matt where I went to High School and where we lived and all my old stomping grounds. It has changed SO much ~ but still the same in many ways. We also took a drive up to Durango which was even more beautiful than I remembered! Matt used to work for a window company and part of his territory was Durango. In our search for somewhere to let the doggies run around we drove down a little side street and lo and behold ~ there was the window company Matt used to service!
Cassie and Kyle were such wonderful host/hostesses and we enjoyed our time with them so much. We were able to meet several of Kyles family members and were quite entertained by his little niece who was doing her best to make everyone laugh....just by giggling!! :) We were introduced to a couple of wonderful little breweries where we got to hang out on the patio and enjoy good conversations....It was wonderful to be able to sit outside in the middle of the day and not pass out from heat stroke!
Molly and Daisy got along wonderfully and didn't even try to escape from the yard while we were gone. I think Molly thought she had died and gone to heaven with that much running room ~ and a sweet little playmate! :) Daisy decided to sleep on Molly's bed the whole time and jumped up on it when Matt picked it up when we were ready to leave. :) I think she just didn't want us to go. She even went to Molly's protection when we were in Durango and a couple of big Huskies scared the bajeebies out of Molly! :)
We had such a wonderful time!!!! Even with the horrible movie selections! :) Thank you for letting us stay and for making our time there so comfy and fun!! :) Love you ~

4 butterfly kisses:

Vonda said...

How wonderful! I could feel the nostalgia? That's how I feel when visiting NMex. The rustling of the autumn leaves, etc.

Debbie said...

So glad you guys got to get away from the Valley and have a good time. It is so nice to be able to show our loved ones our past. I loved showing Kurt Chicago a few years ago. Welcome back to the heat this week! :)

kimberly said...

so glad that you got to escape for a bit....and it is always fun to revisit a place that held great memories and how fun to introduce matt to your old stomping grounds....hope you said hello to our sweet home for me! :) and cassie and kyle.....! i know cassie loved having you guys there....a bit of family for a sweet visit and so glad miss molly june enjoyed her outing!

jessamyn said...

That sounds like so much fun! Don't you just want to move to Durango? That is how I felt when we visited last year.
I miss that place.