Thursday, September 11, 2008

Take A Moment

I just wanted to take a moment to remember the victims and their families that were affected by this date 7 years ago. Not only the innocent people who lost their lives on that specific day, but all of the people whose lives have been affected since then. I don't know how this current war will end, but I pray that it's under peace and safety for the men and women who are still over there and the countless innocent victims whose lives have been turned upside down due to it. I pray that it's soon so that no one else loses their life. I pray that our next president can make this happen....whoever that might be.

2 butterfly kisses:

Brittni said...

Wow seven years ago. It seems just like yesterday! Beautifully said Hyme! I too pray for this. I love you!

kimberly said...

remembering this day also....and i join your thoughts and prayers.