Sunday, August 24, 2008

So, the birdie saga continues....

Last night we had a pretty heavy thunderstorm with lots of rain and wind. We went to check on the little birdie that is refusing to leave his nest. Well, Matt comes running in to get a flashlight because he says "something" us up on top of our house. What?! So we both go out with flashlights and Matt's made me completely freaked out that something is going to jump onto my head as I run out from under the house. Lo and behold there is a cat laying, oh about a foot above the poor little birdie nest. We made enough commotion to scare him off...but only until this morning when he was back again. :(
Anyway...during the windstorm our little birdie lost his nest. :( It was on the ground this morning when I went out to check on him. I looked around the ground for him and didn't find him. Finally I looked up and see him wedged onto a little tiny ledge right below where the nest was. So, all day he has made changes to his location and now....he's sitting in the spot right where his nest had been. :) He REALLY does not want to leave. There was a point when I thought maybe I should try and put the nest back up there, and then I, maybe mother nature is subtly trying to tell him it's time to hit the road! :) His mama (or daddy) periodically continues to check on him and keep watch. I'm not sure that this little guy will ever leave! He's a pretty big birdie's really amazing how fast these birds grow. I think I'll be sad when he actually does decide to leave....

2 butterfly kisses:

Vonda said...

You may want to call FEMA and see if they will arrange new housing for this homeless fellow? After all it was a natural disaster!

kimberly said...

i'd like to be around watching these episodes of you and matt and this little bird! :)