Monday, August 25, 2008

Requesting Your Thoughts and Prayers

Our profile is going to be shown to an expectant couple tomorrow and we would love it if you could send some prayers or special thoughts out for us. :) This baby is due Oct. 4th ~ it appears to be a situation that would fit into our family wonderfully. :)
We are excited, nervous, anxious, scared, worried, happy that we've been given this opportunity and hoping that their decision is made quickly. :)
Thanks so much!!

11 butterfly kisses:

Debbie said...

I will hold you both and the birth mother in my heart and prayers. Thank you for letting us know so we could think of you. Hopefully a decision is made quickly.

kimberly said...

in my heart....and prayers.
love you guys,

Anonymous said...

You all are in our prayers!! love u

Annette said...

I will keep you guys in my thought and prayers! Thank you for the update and for allowing us to be a part of your lifes.

Beth said...

thinking about you and praying for this you!!!!

Anonymous said...

We'll be praying for you!

Jamie said...

Thank you :) I was told that it could be a while before this couple makes a, we wait...and pray. :)

Cory said...

thoughts and prayers are constantly flowing your way sweet family of mine....

Jac said...

You guys are included in our prayers nightly but we will pray extra in the coming days. Keeping our fingers crossed too just for good measure.

Annette said...

checking in for an update, still keeping you and your husband in my prayer's!! Annette

Annette said...
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