Friday, July 18, 2008

Our Mourning Dove Mama

This little mama was so devoted to her little babies...there was never a time that I went outside and she wasn't there in her nest over the past month. I really came to enjoy her being here and liked the fact that she felt safe being close to us. I wondered how she was feeding them and learned that they feed them "milk" that is regurgitated from the food she eats. I guess that explains it!

Well, Tuesday I went outside and found a little tiny feathered baby bird on the ground right below the nest (dead). I felt horrible for her ~ I talked to her a little bit and wasn't sure what to do with it. I had to do something or else Molly / Tantrum would find it.

This afternoon I went out to check on her and found another little feathered birdie with its wings spread out (obviously had taken a shot at flying) dead in the same place. These little birds were of pretty good size and I just can't figure out what happened. That poor little mama bird....

I looked online and Mourning doves only lay two I guess that's it for her. I wonder if she will try again.... I felt her loss with her as I, too, lost two little ones of my own.

Tonight she is not in her nest....I think she's moved on.

4 butterfly kisses:

Vonda said...

I was lamenting over a similar sad story about a baby bird and the person I was telling it to just simply said, "That's nature". It's too bad "nature" has to be so harsh at times.

kimberly said...

i know you were so concerned about if there was another wee one, jame...and if there it was doing. spreading their wings to fly...the beginning of their journey......i too wish "nature"/life wasn't so harsh at times.....
love you,

Beth said...

we end up with baby birds in our yard every this year that didn't make it. (jayda actually brought it in the house, and eli found it:( ) it's always a little reminder of how fragile and precious life is. i'm sorry you had to find these little lost you.

Annette said...

I love these sweet thing's God has blessed us with, but I know a little about them, they will come back every year to your home, and they keep the same mate until one dies and daddy helps take of them as well..they take care of "nursery" watching, so look forword to them again, and I have to agree nature can be cruiel, but very beautiful as well.