Monday, July 7, 2008

God's Whisper

So let me paint you a picture....

The room is getting darker as the sun is setting very low in the sky. The blinds are closed and there are slivers of orange sunlight gleaming in through the areas of the blinds that don't completely cover the window. I have my Willow Angels sitting on my dresser, almost all of which are enveloped in darkness. I had just put some laundry in the laundry basket in my room and was heading toward the door. I briefly glanced over to my left to find this magnificant shadow displayed on my wall. The words read "HOPE". I realized the sunlight had captured one of my Willow Angels....a little person with one arm stretched way up high holding a sign that says "hope". For some reason I felt like God was talking to me. It could have been any other of my numerous Willow Angels that caught the sunlight last night, but it was THIS one.....a big bold beautiful message to have hope! It was just what I needed! :)

9 butterfly kisses:

Beth said...

what a gift! it sounds like a beautiful sight! i "hope" that you had a fantastic birthday, and i can't wait to see you!

Brittni said...

How beautiful! I have tears in my eyes and chills in my skin. What a sweet little message in a time of need. I love you!

cassie said...

it sounds like it truly was a message sent straight to you. i love you jme! thank you for sharing that moment with me.

kimberly said...

oh, i love this jamie....isn't it nice to feel something was meant just for you? it when that happens....and such a needed message...for us all!

SweetAnnee said...

Oh what a lovely post full of emotions..
Love to you..deena

SweetAnnee said...
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Debbie said...

What an amazing moment. Glad you were able to notice and capture it. May this message stay in your heart and lift you when you need it.

jessamyn said...

this is so comforting. so much comfort.

Annette said...

God's talking to you! I so believe this, I truley beieve thing's like this happens becouse he allows it to happen. I too got chills when I read this, and I agree with your mom..isnt it comforting when a sighn like this happens just for us! Annette