Sunday, June 3, 2007

Catching you up :)

No, I haven't fallen off the face of the life has consumed me and left me with little time and zero creativity. :) But, it's okay ~ it's all been good!

First off, I'd like to re-introduce you to my snail vine who, if you remember just a couple months ago, was a stem with two leaves. Amazing isn't it?? Everday I look out my kitchen window and there she is, growing like crazy and producing her beautiful purple fruit! She makes me happy. (I'll post the picture when Matt gets home and reminds me how to do it. :)

I've had this idea for a couple of years now, that if only I had some roller skates I could get my exercise and give Molly the exercise she so desperately needs as well (without jogging). I didn't want roller blades...I wanted roller SKATES because, from my very vivid memory, I was a total pro on them! Well, a couple of months ago we found some at Big 5 that were very reasonable and my sweet husband surprised me with them when I got home from work one day. Little did he know at the time he had potentially served me my death sentence! :) I imagined Molly and I gliding down the sidewalk (me, in total control of course) getting our much needed exercise. So, one evening Molly and I set out for this wonderful adventure. If anyone knows Molly ~ you know exactly where I'm headed with this. Once she realized I moved just as fast as she did (and wasn't quite the pro I remembered being!) she took off with me in tow!! This was the first time in a long time when I was seriously scared of what might happen. My life began to flash before my eyes and I was trying to figure out how I would ever stop as I felt myself being dragged along down the street at top speed! All I remember is that I saw a light pole out of the corner of my eye and reach out with one arm to grab it. I ended up wrapped around this light pole on my knees in the rocks. Not quite the adventure I had in mind! I was so thankful to be stopped, but at the same time wondering who of our neighbors had witnessed this episode and are now peeing their pants because they're laughing so hard! (by the way no one has mentioned it...yet). You would think that after this I would take Molly home...well, if I weren't so determined to make this work, the answer would have been "yes", but no....I (like a hard-headed idiot) decide to keep going. As we make the bend around the back side of our house, Matt is standing out there with camera as Molly is still taking me for a ride. NICE! (I won't even go into what has taken place since the light pole incident). Well, straight ahead on the sidewalk, guess what......DUCKS! Whoa!!!! There we went again!! By the time we got home I had literally 1/2 of one of my stoppers completely worn off! Needless to say, since then my skates have sat in my closet and Molly and I are still in desparate need of exercise...maybe just something a little less life-threatening! :)

In the beginning of May Matt's parents came to see us for a couple of days. We had a lot of fun cruising Canyon Lake on the Dolly sternwheeler. We saw lots of mountain goats and really pretty rock formations. During their stay we also checked out Gila Mountain Casino for the first time. I tried to make $2o bucks last two hours and actually succeeded! Although I lost it all in the end. I think Duke and Diane both came out ahead. They are the pros ~ I should have taken some notes! :) We also went to Cracker Barrel (Diane's favorite restaurant) to celebrate Mother's Day a week early. As always it was wonderful! We really appreciated them coming to see us ~ are house is always welcome to anyone who wants to come visit! :)

In addition to working, I have also started some classes again in continuation of pursuing my nursing degree. If all comes together as planned, I should be able to apply in the Fall. Yeah!! I'm taking Anatomy and Physiology which I love and College Algebra which I don't love at all. In fact, I think it's my worst enemy right now and I'm trying to figure out how to embrace it instead of fight it! Any tips??

As always and continually for the last 6 years, Matt and I hope and pray to be blessed with children some day. It's been such a joy watching all of the new life be born into our families. I couldn't possibly love my nieces and nephews any more, but it's also hard feeling like something that is so much a part of nature and so easy for other people is something that has turned my world upside down and continues to do so on a daily basis. It's not something I ever forget or stop thinking about. Although this past mother's day (which is always one of the most difficult days of the year) I wasn't sure I would be able to spend with my family. It would be the first year that I would be the only woman at the celebration that would not be a mom. And I had began trying long before any of them where even married or thinking about conceiving. (besides my mother. :). As the days drew nearer and I had told my family that Matt and I would probably just do something on our own (which they completely understood ~ by the way I have a very wonderful support team! Although they could never understand what Matt and I go through, they are always willing to try and understand our needs and support us in every endeavor we pursue! Thank you!) I began to feel that the desire to see my niece and nephews and spend time with my family was greater than the fear of what that experience would do to my heart. I thought that this, for me, was such a wonderful sign of internal and spiritual growth and trying to trust in this journey. I have never felt that desire before and I was so thankful to be able to enjoy the day. It was a great day! So I just continue to try and nurture my soul, be thankful for what I do have, make plans and dreams for the future and know that I am where I am because that's exactly where I'm supposed to be. It's easier said than done, but hey....everything worth something is worth the work right! :)
In what ways to do nurture your soul? Do you want to share ideas? :)

5 butterfly kisses:

Nonnie said...

So happy to see you again! :) You had me peeing MY pants with the vivid picture of you and Molly!!! And then in tears with your shareing your thoughts about Mother's Day. I think you have embraced life more lately, sweetie, even tho basic circumstances have not changed. I think that is a great thing, that in the long run, will help with everything!
You know you are in my thoughts every day! I love you!

Debbie said...

Jamie, you are one of the most nurturing and caring souls I have met. Your post made me tear up (both with laughing and emotion) I admire your strength and dedication to your marriage and your entire family. I also admire you for going back to school to pursue a dream. That is something I have dreamed about, but have not found the courage to do. It is a blessing to know you and your entire family. Thank you for sharing your heart and soul with us. You make us better for it.

GG said...

Oh,Jamie, you made me worry right off the bat with what you were going to attempt with Molly. Then you had me laughing my head off as I followed your adventure seeing it all in my mind's eye. What I can never understand is this.....Why is it that it is always the ladies in the neighborhood who are no bigger than a pissant who are always worrying about exercising and taking the dog for a walk...while the ones who are 2 axe handles broad across the beam sit on the porch and drink Coca Cola. My neighbor lady, bless her heart, visits every yard sale in the neighborhood and drags home every piece of exercise equipment she can afford to buy and has a house full of it and yet she sends one of her kids over at least once a week to borrow my bundt cake pan!! She orders pizza continually and has it delivered and always offers me some!!!A kind soul but gaining weight by leaps and bounds.

Now Jamie you better not try again that combination of skates and Molly. You'll end up with a serious injury.

You moved me to tears with your feelings about your series of roadblocks on the way to achieving pregnancy. I ache for you and Matt both. One wonders Why, Why, Why. You have been so diligent in trying everything to achieve your purpose. It hurts all of us in the family for the two of you to be deprived of your uppermost wish to have biological children. And like you, we keep hoping and praying. We all know the heartache you both suffer when certain family days are celebrated and you can't fully enter in. We are not immune to you feelings. Like you, we continue to hope and pray. Love you much, Grandpa GG

Cory said...

Jame-Bob what can I say. I'm soooo glad your back!!!! I couldn't stop laughing at the picture of you and mollsy plowing down the street and of course the sight of you sprawled around that pole. Leave it to matt to get the camera out at that point huh. Are you going to post those pictures too???????? :)
Jame you will never know how much my heart goes out to you! Being such a tiny stinker, Somehow you have found such an abundance of strength through adversity. I truly admire you for that. I know it's not easy and I know that I won't every fully understand the depths of your pain. I do know that anyone and everyone that knows YOU, probably wants this for you just about as much as you do!!!! :) You are one amazing woman chickpea and I love you more than words can express.
Now on a lighter note.... I am already ready for you to stop with the whole school thing. I have almost forgotten what you look like (okay maybe thats a little exaggeration) But seriously I miss you!!!!!! :)

Simplicity Wins said...

I am so glad you wrote about your roller skating adventure first so I got to laugh before being brought to tears. It has been a while since I have visited your blog and am happy you are back. Jamie, I am so sorry that you and Matt are having such a hard time acheiving your dream of becoming parents. I ask Jessie about you often and just hope that one of these times she will have good news. You are so blessed to have a loving husband and such a wonderful family to support you through all this. Just reading all of their comments brought tears to my eyes. You are such a wonderful woman and I hope and pray for you that one day you will get to be an even more wonderful mother!