I started trimming back a (what was) huge purple snail vine, expecting once I got to the root I would just be able to pull it out, but...once I got all of the dead branches out of the way I looked in amazement and what was underneath. At the very center of the base, about two inches high, was a single green stem and some green leaves. It was alive and struggling with all it's might to be fruitful. I was thinking to myself, "What if I would have just given up on this vine, not thinking that beneath all of that dead mangled mess was the possibility of life, and just yanked it out." This was one of my most loved vines and I almost ruined it because of what I saw on the outside. This thought caused me to reflect a little on my own life. That possibly, beneath the mangled ideas of "unfruitfulness" and twisted words of discouragement, with a little self care and nurturing, lies the miracle of life. "Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie". (Shakespeare)
Hope you have an inspired day!