Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Our Daily Treasures...

Welcome friends and family to our "normal" life. I first thought "I can't start a blog...what do I do or have that people would be interested in reading about? I don't have children, I don't take elaborate vacations or go on wild adventures, I don't have an exciting career or fabulous shoes! What's so exciting about my life? We just live a normal life, in a normal house, with normal jobs, and normal adventures." Then I thought of one of my favorite quotes..."Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure that you are...". And I thought how fun it would be to share our normal day treasures with the people that we love the most...our family and friends. So....welcome to our treasures... they may be "normal" (really, by what standard is normal anyway?), but they are ours. Hope you enjoy! :)

5 butterfly kisses:

jessamyn said...

What do you mean you don't have a way with words?? I love this post. SO true. We all live "normal" matter what our situation. Believe me, as your littlest sister, I know the life you live has a whole TON to offer and it anything but ordinary (I stole that from Grey's). Seriously...a blog about your heart is one I will be checking very frequently!

Cory said...

I have caught myself being envious of the Feigner "normal" days. You two always seem to be doing something and it's usually always together. It shows how connected you two twerps are! I love you.

Jamie said...

Hey you little blogspot detectives...this site is still "under construction", not ready to be viewed!! :)j/k
It's nice to see that if we ever need private investigators I won't have to look far :)

Cory said...

You know we did always play detectives when we were little. There was alway this "marooned top car" that we would ride our bikes around and follow. I think our minds created this mystery around that particular car. Oh the good ol days!!! Never underestimate the "three little ones." :)
By the way, I love your blogspot. It looks soo neat.

Nonnie said...

I love the saying you expressed! Since most of our days are "normal" what a waste if we were always waiting for an "exciting" day before living our dreams and those things that make up our BLISS!

I had to chuckle about the blogspot detectives!!!!hilarious. Career started in Holbrook! :)